#Cement Industry

  • Cement is one of the most widely used materials worldwide, and its production contributes significantly to global CO2 emissions. As such, implementing CCUS technologies in the cement industry is an essential component of the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This involves capturing CO2 emissions from cement production processes and either storing them underground or utilizing them to create other valuable products.

Cement Industry

Benefits of CCUS in the Cement Industry

  • Significant Reduction of CO2 Emissions: The use of CCUS technology can capture up to 90-95% of CO2 emissions from cement plants, significantly reducing the industry's contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Opportunities for Utilization of Captured CO2: The captured CO2 can be used for various applications, such as the production of synthetic fuels, chemicals, or as an input for algae growth. This not only helps to offset the costs of capture but also opens up new revenue streams for cement producers.
  • Enhanced Energy Efficiency: Some CCUS technologies, such as oxy-fuel combustion, can result in a more energy-efficient cement production process, contributing to further emissions reductions.